Monday 26 August 2013

Is it a publicity stunt or entertainment?
It is shocking to see how most celebrities promotes pornographic photographs and videos on social media sites, especially YouTube. This is usually because these celebrities want free publicity on other mediums like radio,newspaper and TV. They know that once they link their sex tapes and pornographic photos they will go viral,giving people something to talk about the next day or for that month. However, some of these celebrities get their sex tapes or pornographic photos linked by someone who just want to be spiteful. It is normally done by an ex lover who is trying to ruin his/her ex partner's reputation.

This sends out a wrong message to young people because everything that is potrayed by a famous person is considered acceptable. This make young people especially teenagers to believe that exposing your body is a "cool" thing to do. Many teenagers between thirteen and seventeen have internet access which makes them to have access to these videos and photos. Most young people adopt a behaviour that they see from celebrities an young girls are most vulnerable to these behaviour. They end up posing naked infront of the camera sharing those photos with their boyfriends and people whom they don't know through social networks.

Do celebrities promote child porn through social media sites?

Thursday 22 August 2013

Are social networks TRUTH or DARE?

Social networks play a big role to those who are already introduced to it, children who are twelve years are already familiar with Mxit and Facebook. People use social networks for different purposes some use it to find love,friendship and share their thoughts, it is a cheaper way to communicate with people around the globe. However this can be a place where people live a lie. Let's look at Facebook for instance, most young people use Facebook as a place where they compete with their peers or a place where they live their so called "dream life'. Whereas all they boost about doesn't exist, I can choose to lie about my identity and what I do but people will still believe me. This is how many scammers get contact with Facebook users, promising them the world and pretending to be someone or something they are not.

If we can try to evaluate the issue of social networks we can come up with million negative and positive views. There is a lot that one can say about social networks but the truth is they make life easier if they are used properly. People normally manipulate social networks for their own benefits, this creates a bad perception to those who haven't used networking sites. Brands also use social networks like Mxit and Facebook to interact with their Many brands have created a good or bad reputation about their brands by the way they engage with their audiences in social networks.

Are social networks good or bad for the society or people use them to manipulate?